Understanding the Crucial Difference Between Quality Assurance and Quality Control with Toronto Industrial Painting

July 1st, 2023 by
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In the industrial painting industry, two phrases commonly come up – Quality Control (QC) and Quality Assurance (QA). While they may sound similar, they have distinct meanings and functions that are crucial to the success of any coating project. As a professional, AMPP level 3 certified surface inspection company, Toronto Industrial Painting understands these differences intimately, offering complete coating inspection services for all industries. Let’s break down these concepts and their implications for coating inspection.

Quality Control: The Contractor’s Responsibility

Quality Control (QC) is primarily the responsibility of the person or the party executing the work, which in the case of the painting industry, is typically the contractor. Contractors may employ a coating inspector to ensure that their work complies with specified guidelines or, when such guidelines are absent, adheres to accepted industry standards for efficient coating practices.

However, a potential conflict can arise between maintaining Quality Control and meeting project deadlines or financial constraints. Even the best contractors might be tempted to compromise on quality to meet project timelines under client pressure. If a coating inspector is working under a contractor for quality control, this pressure can put them in a challenging position. As the measurements recorded in the QC process might be used in the future to ascertain the quality of work if a failure occurs, it is crucial for these figures to reflect the truth.

Related: What Do MPI-Certified Architectural Coatings Inspectors Do?

Quality Assurance: The Independent Inspector’s Role

Quality Assurance (QA), conversely, is usually undertaken by an independent entity. In industrial coating scenarios, this often falls on a third-party coating inspector. This process assumes that Quality Control has been executed and that the work has been approved for inspection by the contractor.

The QA inspector’s task is to verify that the work aligns with the project’s documentation and specifications. If a contractor doesn’t employ a QC specialist, the QA inspector takes on both roles, leading to increased responsibilities, especially if the work requires multiple rounds of inspections due to substandard quality.

Related: Understanding the inspections process

The Specialized Role of Toronto Industrial Painting

At Toronto Industrial Painting, our AMPP Level 3 certified coating inspectors specialize in performing detailed and unbiased Quality Assurance checks. Recognized by the Association for Materials Protection and Performance (AMPP), we bring a unique, highly qualified perspective to the job. Our three levels of certification – Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 – underscore our commitment to delivering top-quality inspection services across all industries. We also offer consultation on quality assurance and control measures, making us a one-stop solution for all your industrial painting inspection needs.

In an industry where poor quality or hasty work can lead to expensive repairs and potential operational disruptions, our singular focus is to ensure the longevity and integrity of your assets. At Toronto Industrial Painting, quality isn’t an add-on – it’s woven into the very fabric of our ethos.

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